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ISBN: 155778907X
Since any therapeutic engagement beginswith getting to know the mind of an Other, it is appropriate that a holisticrevisioning of psychology begin by considering the fundamental knowing we referto as clinical diagnosis. This involves both critiquing the top-down empiricistapproach to psychodiagnosis and presenting a viable and rigorous alternative tothe knowing of Other minds. G. Kenneth Bradford is the firstpsychotherapist to apply a Mindfulness-based approach to psychologicalassessment and diagnosis, making this a foundational and entry text tomindfulness and experientially-informed therapy practices. It presents thefirst application of the Phenomenological Research Method to psychodiagnosis.While the phenomenological method has enjoyed high regard in the area ofqualitative research, this book marks its first appearance in being applied toclinical assessment and diagnosis. Furthermore, these two cutting-edgeapproaches, one from the East and one from the West, are intertwined in a waythat contributes to the emerging Integrative trends in Psychology. The finalsection on the Question of Sanity proceeds beyond both the phenomenologicalresearch literature and much of the current "Mindfulness-Based" literature,which are largely technique-focused, opening up the underlying (Buddhist & Existential) wisdom informing contemplatively-robust practices.
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